Mei 到處 8


  • Edward Wechner's patents

    My husband Edward Wechner's work - 2011 version. ..

  • Chainless Biycle

    Edward 愛看Tour d' France, 每次看到看到那些賽手因為 jamming the chain, 而lose the race又或跌倒甚至傷得很重! 這是他自此而很大願望設計出一款比chain drive 鏈條單車更可reliability賴性, 更安全safety, without losing performance and without increasing the weight of the bicycle, but also inprove the efficiency..

  • Trench Casting Machine

    It does dig a trench 300mm wide and 6000mm deep and fills it with concrete simultaneously at an advance rate of 20m/hour...

  • solar power and terrestrial power

    The world is desperately looking for alternative power sources in order to reduce greenhouse gases and with it save our planet. Opinions vary widely on what course we should take to achieve a more environmentally acceptable power source ...

  • 2 22 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

    在 4 日 9 月 2010 年, 紐西蘭的基督城發生了一次 7.1 magnitude earthquake. 那時才死了不到幾個人. 建築物也損害不太重(與今次6.3級地震相比). 於是, 地震後, 政府就開始重建了. 才不到半年(5 個月吧了) 就有了第二次的大地震. 2月22日2011, 這次只是 6.3 級地震. 可是死了123人226人失蹤(至今天2月26日為至). 成為了紐西蘭80年來最大的自然災難....

  • Bowerbirds

    Bowerbirds 神奇之處是他們是天才建築師, 為了吸引女性, 他們會建一巢(請看圖), 外面加很多裝飾品(有石塊/水果/果實/花葉/汽水罐... 所有有顏色的東西), 而顏色的挑選完全是由男性認為什麼顏色可以吸引自己喜愛的女性, 而已這些個人口味完全是從遺傳因子而來的...

Posted by Wechner 0 意見



The End of Inquisition - The series concludes focussing on Napoleon and how he spread the ideas of the Enlightenment, conquered Italy, abolished the Inquisition and ordered its files sent to Paris. It also looks at a Spanish priest who devoted his life to exposing the brutal historical records. The kidnapping of a young Jewish boy secretly baptised was one of the last desperate attempts at exerting the Inquisition's power before the documents were locked away. (From the UK, in English) (Documentary Series) (Final) (Rpt) PG CC WS


Episode Four - The End of Inquisition
Napoleon spreads the ideas of the Enlightenment, conquers Italy, abolishes the Inquisition and orders its files sent to Paris. Spain’s greatest painter, Goya, will depict the Inquisition for the first time – and then run for his life.  A Spanish priest devotes his life to exposing the brutal historical records. The Secret Files of the Inquisition are locked away for centuries.
The kidnapping of a young Jewish boy secretly baptised will be one of the desperate last attempts at exerting the power of the Inquisition. A devoted father fights to get back his son. The boy becomes a symbol for a Pope who is about to lose his dominion on earth.




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