Mei 到處 8


  • Edward Wechner's patents

    My husband Edward Wechner's work - 2011 version. ..

  • Chainless Biycle

    Edward 愛看Tour d' France, 每次看到看到那些賽手因為 jamming the chain, 而lose the race又或跌倒甚至傷得很重! 這是他自此而很大願望設計出一款比chain drive 鏈條單車更可reliability賴性, 更安全safety, without losing performance and without increasing the weight of the bicycle, but also inprove the efficiency..

  • Trench Casting Machine

    It does dig a trench 300mm wide and 6000mm deep and fills it with concrete simultaneously at an advance rate of 20m/hour...

  • solar power and terrestrial power

    The world is desperately looking for alternative power sources in order to reduce greenhouse gases and with it save our planet. Opinions vary widely on what course we should take to achieve a more environmentally acceptable power source ...

  • 2 22 2011 Christchurch Earthquake

    在 4 日 9 月 2010 年, 紐西蘭的基督城發生了一次 7.1 magnitude earthquake. 那時才死了不到幾個人. 建築物也損害不太重(與今次6.3級地震相比). 於是, 地震後, 政府就開始重建了. 才不到半年(5 個月吧了) 就有了第二次的大地震. 2月22日2011, 這次只是 6.3 級地震. 可是死了123人226人失蹤(至今天2月26日為至). 成為了紐西蘭80年來最大的自然災難....

  • Bowerbirds

    Bowerbirds 神奇之處是他們是天才建築師, 為了吸引女性, 他們會建一巢(請看圖), 外面加很多裝飾品(有石塊/水果/果實/花葉/汽水罐... 所有有顏色的東西), 而顏色的挑選完全是由男性認為什麼顏色可以吸引自己喜愛的女性, 而已這些個人口味完全是從遺傳因子而來的...

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Posted by Wechner 0 意見

OK, if God let me live forever without being sick or in pain!!!! Hahahahah..... I will belive in God!!!

However! god is an arshole!!!! he would like to see u tortured to death!!!!Hahahahha!!!! I'm telling u the truth! Wouldn't I ????

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

I feel so sad that people can't believed their talent and ablity! They lose all the confidence when they get scared of dying or illess or lose all their money! And then they suddenly come up with their God believing he can do everything for them!!!! "Thank you God!" "Thank's God" they say!!! Hahaah...... God loves all of U!!! God will not let U down, God will let U live forever with your little brain!!

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

I feel so sad that people can't believed their talent and ablity! They lose all the confidence when they get scared of dying or illess or lose all their money! And then they suddenly come up with their God believing he can do everything for them!!!! "Thank you God!" "Thank's God" they say!!! Hahaah...... God loves all of U!!! God will not let U down, God will let U live forever with your little brain!!

Posted by Wechner 0 意見


2009/05/22  來源




Posted by Wechner 0 意見

Church abuse: Irish case reignites calls for local probe

By Barbara Miller for The World Today

The World Today |

Posted Thu May 21, 2009 5:24pm AEST
Updated Thu May 21, 2009 7:09pm AEST


The Australian Catholic Church says while it is ashamed at the findings from Ireland, there is no need for such a commission. (ABC News: Gary Rivett)

The head of the Catholic Church in Ireland says he is profoundly ashamed and sorry about the findings of an extensive investigation into child abuse at Church-run institutions.

Ireland's Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse report found that thousands of children were beaten, raped and humiliated, and that the Church and state knew of the abuse and did nothing to punish the perpetrators.

In response to the report, victims of abuse by members of the clergy here in Australia have renewed their calls for a royal commission into the matter to be set up here.

Dr Wayne Chamley, a spokesman for the Broken Rites group, says previous Senate inquiries into the treatment of children in care do not go far enough.

"The problem with Senate inquiries is that they don't have powers of subpoena or powers to put witnesses under oath so many people won't come forward. They don't feel they have the right protections," he said.

The Australian Catholic Church says while it is ashamed at the findings from Ireland, there is no need for such a commission.

Sister Angela Ryan is with the Church's National Professional Standards Office.

"There has been a Senate inquiry. There's been a police royal commission in New South Wales," she said.

"Whatever is needed to check is needed but it's really important that people who have been abused come forward and that the matters are followed through now."

She says she is ashamed by the findings of the Irish report and admits it is possible that priests known to be sex offenders were transferred to Australia.

"It's certainly possible. If it happened and if there's been abuse in Australia, we would certainly want to deal with that," she said.

"There certainly are procedures in place now [to check]. Whether those procedures were in place 50, 60 years ago I would doubt, but they certainly are in place now."

The Christian Brothers ran many of the institutions in Ireland for boys and more allegations were made against the Brothers than all the other male orders combined.

Brother Brian Brandon is the executive officer for professional standards with the Christian Brothers Oceania Province.

He says he is shocked and saddened by the allegations but is confident none of the perpetrators are now working in Australia.

"We don't have any Irish Christian Brothers in Australia today, so that's not possible. Whether it happened in the first instance I'm not sure. I'd be very sorry if it did happen," he said.

But Brother Brandon concedes that the Christian Brothers here have much work to do in dealing with victims of abuse by its members.

"I work full-time in this position and I spend a lot of time talking with victims. I was in Canberra last Monday, I was in Perth for three days last week," he said.

"Unfortunately in one sense there's plenty of work to do, but we are committed to doing it."

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Establishing a Royal Commission in Australia in light of a damning report into abuse at Catholic-run institutions in Ireland is an overreaction, a Christian lobby group says.


Australian sex abuse victims have renewed calls for a commission, following the release of a report in Ireland which found abuse is the church is rife.

The long-awaited report, released in Dublin on Wednesday, outlined the terror of rampant sexual abuse, rapes and beatings inflicted on thousands of children over a 60-year period by priests, nuns and lay staff.

Spokesman for advocacy group Broken Rites Dr Wayne Chamley told ABC Radio he is concerned about Irish clergy members who are now residing in Australia.

"We are aware of a number of Irish-ordained priests (who) have been brought before the courts in Australia," he told ABC Radio.

"There needs to be a ... Royal Commission ... because we believe that the real figures would be revealed." But the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) said calls for a Royal Commission were an "overreaction". "Churches in Australia have looked at this very diligently in the past few years," ACL managing director Jim Wallace said.

"I hope that has satisfied the need to get rid of this scourge from religious institutions and schools."




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The news about:

The monkey-like creature was preserved through the ages in Germany's Messel Pit, a crater rich in Eocene Epoch fossils

I found Google is so quick to have this on their website at the same day:



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Phillip, I would like you to know that I am sincerely grateful for every single comment you have made tonight on the ABC's Compass "The Atheists"; it is extraordinarily comforting to me to know that we have people like yourself in our country, people with a voice and such an uncompromisingly realistic understanding of ourselves; I am on an absolute high tonight, you have made my day, I am thrithrilled and absolute

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Posted by Wechner 0 意見



Scientists in New York have unveiled the skeleton of what could be the common ancestor to humans, apes and other primates.

The tiny creature, officially known as Darwinius masillae, but dubbed Ida, lived 47 million years ago and is unusually well preserved, missing only part of a leg, or five per cent of the skeleton.
The finding, described on Tuesday in the PloS ONE scientific journal, was displayed at a press conference at New York's Natural History Museum, and is due to be the subject of a television documentary.
Scientists led by Norway's fossil expert, Professor Jorn Hurum, worked for two years on Ida, who was first discovered in 1983 by private collectors who failed to understand her importance - and split the bones into two lots.
The monkey-like creature was preserved through the ages in Germany's Messel Pit, a crater rich in Eocene Epoch fossils.
Human characteristics
Although bearing a long tail, she had several human characteristics, including an opposable thumb, short arms and legs, and forward facing eyes.
She also lacked two key elements of modern lemurs: a grooming claw and a row of lower teeth known as the toothcomb.
"This is the first link to all humans - truly a fossil that links world heritage," Prof Hurum said in a statement.
David Attenborough, the renowned British naturalist and broadcaster, said the "little creature is going to show us our connection with all the rest of the mammals".
"The link they would have said until now is missing... it is no longer missing," he said.
Clues to last meal

Ida gives a glimpse into a time when the world was just taking its present shape. Dinosaurs were extinct, the Himalayas were forming and a huge range of mammals thrived in vast jungles.
According to the international team, Ida had suffered a badly broken wrist and this might have been her undoing. The theory is that while drinking from the Messel lake she was overcome by carbon dioxide fumes and fell in.
"Ida slipped into unconsciousness, was washed into the lake, and sank to the bottom, where the unique conditions preserved her for 47 million years," a statement said.
Her last meal shows she was a herbivore. Gut contents revealed remains of fruits, seeds and leaves.
"This fossil is so complete. Everything's there. It's unheard of in the primate record at all. You have to get to human burial to see something that's this complete," Hurum said.

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The son of God :


How many follower he has!



The name of the son of god is Michael, he said that God called him to have sex with that 14 & 16 years old little girls. Hahhahaaaa. Yes, how good to become the son of God than to be God!!! Because God doesn't have a willy?? Hahahhahah!!!


Inside a Cult: Messiah on Trial

Reporter: National Geographic and Channel 4

Broadcast: 18/05/2009

Last year the program told the story of Michael Travesser, formerly Wayne Bent, who claims to be the son of God.

This week a gripping follow-up as filmmaker Ben Anthony documents the story of Wayne Bent's prosecution on charges of underage sex. The charges are serious and could see him jailed for over thirty years.

Ben Anthony is there for every moment of the trial, talking to Wayne Bent, his followers and the people who once revered "their messiah" only to later denounce him.

His followers simply call him "Michael". His real name is Wayne Bent. He says he is "divine" and he led a group of people into an isolated part of New Mexico, in the United States, to prepare them for the end of the world.

Two years ago this new age messiah allowed filmmaker Ben Anthony access to his compound called "Strong City", and to speak to his followers. What Anthony documented shocked many viewers. Here was a man who wielded unfettered power over the people around him. Most of them had signed over their possessions to him. All offered utter obedience. But his demands were many. Using psychological manipulation Wayne Bent convinced the women in the group that they should sleep with him. Those men that objected were sent packing.

Intent on extending his influence, he then began a campaign to encourage the young girls in the group to come before him naked so they might fully know God. His actions began to concern some of the families involved. They also drew the attention of the local law enforcement agencies.

Last year Wayne Bent was tried for committing sex crimes against two of those girls. Once again filmaker Ben Anthony was there to record the proceedings and the results of his work are, "Inside a Cult: Messiah on Trial". Made with the assistance of the National Geographic Channel and Channel 4 it goes to air on Monday 18th May, at 8.30pm on ABC 1. It will be replayed on the 19th May at 11.35pm.

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

I did 19/20 correct in my Australian Citizenship Test today.
I can tell, I will totally forget all the Australian's Values, Responsibilities, History, Geography, Culture, political system, etc.. tomorrow.
I will not click on the stupid question of "Are U a terrorist or related to terrorist!" on my application form, and pay U AU$240 to get my certificate.
And now, I can play la!!

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

兩天來, 聽來聽去! 我竟後悔選了靚仔. 我覺得她才是我的 NO. 1 呀!!!! 愈聽愈好聽.
HQ-ESTONIA:Urban Symphony-Rändajad(Live Eurovision 2009 semifinal)

Estonia : The nomads

The lyrics:
Croatia: Beautiful Tena:
Iceland : Is it true:
Russia : Mamo (Mum)
Estonia : The nomads

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

原本在semi final 時, 選了她倆的歌, 可是靚仔一出現, 我竟完全忘了她們!!!
Eurovision 2009 Israel Final Noa & Mira Awad Einaiych - there must be another way!
Mira Awad, an Arab-Israeli singer, and Noa, a Jewish-Israeli artist, sing together at the Eurovision Song Contest a song that emphasises hope and understanding through common humanity. The singers describe There Must Be Another Way, as not a song of peace, but a simple call to respect the humanity of others. [3] It will be a finalist in the song contest.

There must be another Must be another way
Must be another way
Your eyes, sister
Say all that my heart desires
So far, we've gone
A long way, a very difficult way, hand in hand
And the tears fall, pour in vain
A pain with no name
We wait
Only for the next day to come
Your eyes say
A day will come and all fear will disappear
In your eyes a determination
That there is a possibility
To carry on the way
As long as it may take
For there is no single address for sorrow
I call out to the horizons
To the stubborn heavens
We will go a long way
A very difficult way
Together to
the light
Your eyes say
All fear will disappear
And the tears fall, pour in vain
A pain with no name
We wait
Only for the day to come
No way!!!! If U believed in your God. He is the only problem to create the war in your country!!!! Just get rid of this bastard!!!!

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

I really want to say, I just think the director of this TV program, who is just unbelieviably great! The whole program is so colorful. Especially, I love how he/she presents the Russian song of Mamo and also this pretty woman's song - it is true. He/She is starting her with her beatiful eyes to present a love song.
我都勁喜歡這首, 我是特別找這版本的, 因為鵝語, 鬼知她唱咪鬼!!! 不過這個比賽版, PRESENT 得簡直一流. 看著這位美女慢慢老去, 我不單想起媽媽, 也勁怕自己快變成咁了!!!

Posted by Wechner 0 意見

So many great singers in Eurovision! I love really meaningful music! I don't like nosiy music! I like it when they sing in their own language representing their own country!
my vote : The first prize
E.S.C. 2009. - Igor Cukrov feat Andrea - LIJEPA TENA (Croatia)
為什麼我選CROATIA 第1名. 是因為初初我只覺裡條仔, 懶媚!!! 跟著, 唉, 有些料, 應該是唱過Opera!!! 跟著那些和音也不錯. 跟著才跑出一位極靚音的美女. 整首歌就是勁!!!

其它, 兩首都非常好聽, 當然是因為天上下凡靚女, 各多加100分.
Second prize :
Eurovision 2009 * Estonia - Urban Symphony – Rändajad

Third prize :
Eurovision 2009 *Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir - Is it true (Eurovision 2009 Iceland)

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The End of Inquisition - The series concludes focussing on Napoleon and how he spread the ideas of the Enlightenment, conquered Italy, abolished the Inquisition and ordered its files sent to Paris. It also looks at a Spanish priest who devoted his life to exposing the brutal historical records. The kidnapping of a young Jewish boy secretly baptised was one of the last desperate attempts at exerting the Inquisition's power before the documents were locked away. (From the UK, in English) (Documentary Series) (Final) (Rpt) PG CC WS


Episode Four - The End of Inquisition
Napoleon spreads the ideas of the Enlightenment, conquers Italy, abolishes the Inquisition and orders its files sent to Paris. Spain’s greatest painter, Goya, will depict the Inquisition for the first time – and then run for his life.  A Spanish priest devotes his life to exposing the brutal historical records. The Secret Files of the Inquisition are locked away for centuries.
The kidnapping of a young Jewish boy secretly baptised will be one of the desperate last attempts at exerting the power of the Inquisition. A devoted father fights to get back his son. The boy becomes a symbol for a Pope who is about to lose his dominion on earth.




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Lost Worlds - The War On Ideas - This episode looks at how the decadence of a Medici Pope in Rome outrages Martin Luther, a devout priest in Germany. In the face of the Protestant Reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to obliterate the heresy. On his path to power he will create the Roman Inquisition and become the most hated Pope in history. Powerful leaders of the Catholic Church are arrested and imprisoned, accused of reading books banned by the Church. Free-thinking students are silenced and the Roman Inquisition will leave a legacy that lasts into the 20th century. (From the UK, in English) (Documentary Series) (Part 3 of 4) (Rpt) PG CC WS


Episode Three - The War on Ideas
The decadence of a Medici Pope in Rome outrages Martin Luther, a devout priest in Germany. In the face of the Protestant Reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to obliterate the heresy. On his path to power he will create the Roman Inquisition and become the most hated Pope in history.  
Powerful leaders of the Catholic Church are arrested and imprisoned, accused of reading books banned by the Church. Free-thinking students are silenced. The Roman Inquisition will leave a legacy that lasts into the 20th century.





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The Tears of Spain - For centuries, the historical records of the Inquisition have been locked away to become the subject of myth and legend. In 1998, after years of pressure from historians, scholars and critics in search of the truth, the Vatican opened some of these archives for the first time. Tonight's episode looks at how Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in tolerance for centuries along the Iberian peninsular. However by 1468 changes were afoot. The young rulers, Isabella and Ferdinand had proclaimed themselves the Catholic Monarchs and began an Inquisition. Jews who had converted to Christianity were accused of secretly sabotaging the Christian faith. Thousands perished in a ritual called the Act of Faith. (From the UK, in English) (Documentary Series) (Part 2 of 4) (Rpt) PG CC WS


Episode Two - The Tears of Spain
The Iberian peninsular is a land where Christians, Muslims and Jews have lived in tolerance for centuries.  However by 1468 changes were afoot. The young rulers, Isabella and Ferdinand have proclaimed themselves the Catholic Monarchs and begin an Inquisition. Jews who had converted to Christianity are accused of secretly sabotaging the Christian faith. Thousands perish in a ritual called the Act of Faith.  
In Zaragossa, mothers die to protect their children, the highest in the land pay the ultimate price and the Inquisitor is assassinated, setting off a wave of reprisals. 




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Root Out Heretics - Based on secret documents from the Vatican, this four part docu-drama series investigates the Catholic Church's 500 year struggle to remain the world's only true Christian religion. Winner of two Leo Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Original Score, the series, directed by David Rabinovitch, spans medieval France, 15th century Spain and Renaissance Italy, revealing how the most powerful church on earth created the Inquisition to attack its enemies and preserve the unquestioned authority of the Pope. Part one begins with the rise of the dissident Christian movement known as Catharism in southern France during the 13th century and the threat it posed to the power of the papacy. It also tells the story of Jacques Fournier (Eugenio Alvares), an Inquisitor who was to become the Pope Benedict XII, and of Boruch, a Jew who was forcibly converted to Christianity yet tried to defend his right to return to his original faith. (From the UK, in English) (Docu-drama Series) (Part 1 of 4) (Rpt) PG CC WS

Episode One - Root Out Heretics
The year is 1308 and heresy has taken hold in France.  At a time when the Church of Rome proclaims itself the one true religion, the Pope sends the Inquisitors of Heretical Depravity to deal with heretics.  Non-believers are hunted down, condemned and burned.  The entire village of Montaillou is taken prisoner by the Inquisition.  No one is safe, not even the village priest and the chatelaine of Montaillou’s castle.





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Root Out Heretics - Based on secret documents from the Vatican, this four part docu-drama series investigates the Catholic Church's 500 year struggle to remain the world's only true Christian religion. Winner of two Leo Awards for Best Cinematography and Best Original Score, the series, directed by David Rabinovitch, spans medieval France, 15th century Spain and Renaissance Italy, revealing how the most powerful church on earth created the Inquisition to attack its enemies and preserve the unquestioned authority of the Pope. Part one begins with the rise of the dissident Christian movement known as Catharism in southern France during the 13th century and the threat it posed to the power of the papacy. It also tells the story of Jacques Fournier (Eugenio Alvares), an Inquisitor who was to become the Pope Benedict XII, and of Boruch, a Jew who was forcibly converted to Christianity yet tried to defend his right to return to his original faith. (From the UK, in English) (Docu-drama Series) (Part 1 of 4) (Rpt) PG CC WS






