在網上終於找到一張短擔干, 但不是長竹籠的相片:
在節目中, 6個人, 他們不是什麼公司的曠工, 他們是來自火山下的小村落的幾名狀丁(事實他們又黑又瘦). 在快到火山口比較有平地的地方紥一很簡陋的竹棚, 日吃白米而已.
他們從camp 上火山取硫磺就是用短擔干長竹籮. 因為上火山口的路是很斜很狹窄小路. 一天來回6次左右, 將採到的硫磺放在自己名字那空地去. 採了好幾天, 採夠了, 他們便用長一點的擔干和布袋(不用繩的, 將布袋口"初"低一點, 兩邊角搏起打結) 將硫磺送回村落去賣. 兩大袋, 記得是有二十公斤, 賣不到2美金呀(1元多一點而已)! 他們的生產力是4噸/6人/日.
這是他們的工作環境, 那些煙是極毒的.
這是硫磺, 一塊塊硫磺搬到小村落的山寨廠, 會再處理一下的.
他們會放在一個大鑊(huge,真是極大的)內煮, 將熔液放入另一盛器上有幾個用痳布袋做成的過濾器,過濾後, 再用勺將硫磺液倒入竹筒內,泠卻後倒出, 我想是方便運送吧.
硫磺可以用來製造皮膚藥,塑膠(rubber & plastic), 油料paint(黃色)等等.
再下來, 講一下他們身體上所受的工害(因工作所受的傷害)了:
1. 早死! (節目沒有說明幾歲)!
2. 咳嗽不斷, 在節目真的聽到他們不斷咳, 當然在工作時聞到那些毒煙, 更加咳得更厲害.(不過, 咳成咁, 他們休閒時,最開心是吸煙! 真是毒上毒)
3. 肩膀長期負重:
沒有誇張的, 節目中看到其中一曠工, 真嚇死你, 那肉墊之厚, 看來他是長了雙重肩膀! 我肯定他自小就擔重物, 那是他身體長出來保護自己的!
4. 牙齒被腐蝕:
他們的牙是被硫磺腐蝕了, 打開口, 使你想到被風侵蝕的山谷. 他們的牙齒是又黑又黃的! 看到你不其然的覺得很酸, 像食了酸梅, 牙都軟了.
火山口中有湖, 事實那風景很美, 但看到曠工的苦, 很傷心!
The Sulphur Slaves
Like his father and grandfather before him, Syakur works collecting sulphur from the Mount Welirang volcano in the Indonesian province of East Java. The work is arduous. Each day, the men carry loads of sulphur four kilometres down the mountain to their camp, in baskets carried on a bamboo pole across their shoulders. The sulphur fumes affect their health, rotting their teeth, and making them cough incessantly. Once a week, the sulphur collectors make the twenty-kilometre journey to the small town of Tretes, where they sell their sulphur to a cooperative. They are paid less than two Australian dollars per fifty kilos. Every year, Syakur makes the pilgrimage to another volcano, Mt Bromo.
今天看到了sbs電視台的電視節目,Global Village 這節目是星期4次的, 講述在地球上一些不為人知的細小村落!
今天看到了這村落的居民, 用的擔干, 真是覺得他們頗有智慧的. 亦因此, 使的回想起我小時候擔雞的情況! 如果那時候我們有他們的擔干和藍子的特別設計就好了!
原本我想在網上找找看, 希望找到有關相片可給大家看看的.但是找到的跟電視影片上有很大的距離 --- 待續...
今天看到了這村落的居民, 用的擔干, 真是覺得他們頗有智慧的. 亦因此, 使的回想起我小時候擔雞的情況! 如果那時候我們有他們的擔干和藍子的特別設計就好了!
原本我想在網上找找看, 希望找到有關相片可給大家看看的.但是找到的跟電視影片上有很大的距離:
他們用的擔干很短, 竹籠很瘦長, 所以負重時不會兩邊搖晃,且很方便走山路!
你還可去 You tube 看看有關的影片:
因為我看到的與網上的是有些不太一樣, 所以我會慢慢再講述一下!
卡拉季奇被捕, 前兩天是大新聞!
我對東歐也是一點認識也沒有的, 以前讀地理, 也只不過知道有個叫南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia)的國家, 也不曉得他竟在1992年解體, 四分五裂(現分為Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzogovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Monte Negro, Macedonia),
看到新聞, 我跟老公說:"裡條友留到齊臉鬍鬚, 我在街邊看到他都會懷疑他不是好人啦!"
我看很多中文網都沒有寫出這最要因素! 都只是記 Serbia 軍隊殺 Bonsnia 人而已!
事實是在Bonsnia 裹住著兩種宗教(基督教Orthodox Christians與 穆斯林Muslims)的同種族人,於是他們互相就有排斥了, 而在塞爾維亞卻是絕大部份人都是基督教的.
在波士尼亞和黑塞哥維那於1991年宣佈獨立時, 有部份的波士尼亞內的基督徙也不想分離出去. 於是,塞爾維亞便開始砲轟波士尼亞的首都薩拉熱窩Sarajevo,於是聯合國便於Srebrenica 開設了safe haven (實為Muslims haven)安全地帶,叫穆斯林快來躲避! 明顯連聯合國都知道了是一場宗教滅絕的屠殺!
當穆斯林信徒都跑到Srebrenica, 塞族共和國總統拉多萬·卡拉季奇 下令駛入Srebrenica, 他們將穆斯林男人和男童挑出來進行屠殺(gendercide以此滅絕他們下一代),殺了8000多名的穆斯林!
p.s. 原來薩拉熱窩Sarajevo,是引起第一次世界大戰的地方, 因為奧地利的太子被殺於此. 哈哈! 我不愛讀歷史!!!
The Srebrenica massacre is the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II.[7] In 2004, in a unanimous ruling on the "Prosecutor v. Krstić" case, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) located in The Hague ruled that the Srebrenica massacre wasgenocide,[8] the Presiding Judge Theodor Meron stating:
By seeking to eliminate a part of the Bosnian Muslims [Bosniaks], the Bosnian Serb forces committed genocide. They targeted for extinction the forty thousand Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica, a group which was emblematic of the Bosnian Muslims in general. They stripped all the male Muslim prisoners, military and civilian, elderly and young, of their personal belongings and identification, and deliberately and methodically killed them solely on the basis of their identity.[9]
The Srebrenica
Massacre, July 1995
[See also the case study of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Gendercide Watch photo gallery of the events surrounding the massacre.]
In the Bosnian silver-mining town of Srebrenica in July 1995, one of the most notorious modern acts of gendercide took place. While the international community and U.N. peacekeepers looked on, Serb forces separated civilian men from women and killed thousands of men en masse, or hunted them down in the forests.
The background
The events at Srebrenica mark the climax of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the most vicious and genocidal battlefront in the Balkans conflict. The conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina began in 1992 and featured largescale genocidal and gendercidal atrocities from the first. These are dealt with in a separate Bosnia case study. One of the largest massacres of the early part of the war took place at a gymnasium in the village of Bratunac in April 1992, when an estimated 350 Bosnian Muslim men were tortured to death and massacred by Serb paramilitaries and special police. Bratunac lay just outside Srebrenica, and would again serve as a killing ground when the city fell to Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995.
Although the Serbs seized Bratunac, they were not able to take Srebrenica itself. The city was defended by Naser Oric, a Rambo-like figure whose troops (and associated squads of civilian torbari, or "bag people") inflicted a number of smaller atrocities on Serb villages around the Srebrenica pocket. Eventually, in April 1993, Serb forces closed in for a final crushing of the town and Oric's forces. Serb General Ratko Mladic made it plain that he held a special grudge against the menfolk of Srebrenica, armed or unarmed. In scenes that gripped the attention of the world, hundreds of women and children were evacuated from Srebrenica before the Serb noose tightened and shut off all refugee flow. The plight of the city prompted the international community to declare Srebrenica one of five "safe areas" in Bosnia (the others were Zepa, Gorazde, Tuzla, Sarajevo, and Bihac in northwestern Bosnia). The meaning of the ambiguous term "safe area" was never properly defined, and sufficient forces were never committed to ensuring the safety of the Bosnian inhabitants. As events at Srebrenica two years later so grimly demonstrated, "the safe areas were among the most profoundly unsafe places in the world" (Silber and Little, The Death of Yugoslavia, p. 274.)
The gendercide
In June 1995, Bosnian Serb forces, pushing for a resolution to the ethnic "anomaly" of the Muslim enclaves, closed their noose around Srebrenica and the other "safe areas." In Srebrenica, mass panic took hold of the civilian population. Women and children gathered at the U.N. base of Potocari, together with about 1,700 men,while most of the "battle-age" males -- mostly unarmed non-combatants -- took to the hills in a desperate attempt to flee to Muslim-held territory to the west. At Potocari, Dutch troops meekly allowed the Serbs access to the camps and the refugees they held. Then, the following day -- July 11 -- some 1700 men, disproportionately the elderly and infirm, were separated from women and children. The peacekeepers "stood inches away from the Serb soldiers who were separating the Muslim men, one by one, from their families" (Sudetic, Blood and Vengeance, p. 306). At Serb command, the Dutch drew up a registry of 242 Bosnian men remaining in the camp, again mostly elderly and infirm. Then they handed the men over to the Serbs. Not one of the 242 men is known to have survived. The children and women were bused, with isolated exceptions, to safety in Tuzla. Men, almost without exception, were carted away to their deaths. (Note: Other sources cite 239 as the total number of men named on the list; for an account of how the 242 total was eventually arrived at, see the letter from Hasan Nuhanovic posted to the Women of Srebrenica website. The letter also gives a harrowingly detailed account of the separation of men and boys from the remainder of the population at the U.N. base, and the blatant Dutch complicity in the process. Thanks to Kate Myers for bringing this source to our attention.)
Satellite photo of Nova Kasaba mass graves.
Many of the men were killed in the school gymnasium in Bratunac that had already served as the site of a gendercidal massacre in the Bosnian war. Many hundreds more were massacred at a football field near Nova Kasaba, the worst killing ground of the entire five-day slaughter. Human Rights Watch recorded the testimony of one eyewitness to the gendercidal massacres at Nova Kasaba. The Serbs, he said,
picked out Muslims whom they either knew about or knew, interrogated them and made them dig pits. ...During our first day, the Cetniks [Serbs] killed approximately 500 people [men]. They would just line them up and shoot them into the pits. The approximately one hundred guys whom they interrogated and who had dug the mass graves then had to fill them in. At the end of the day, they were ordered to dig a pit for themselves and line up in front of it. ... [T]hey were shot into the mass grave. ... At dawn, ... [a] bulldozer arrived and dug up a pit ..., and buried about 400 men alive. The men were encircled by Cetniks: whoever tried to escape was shot." (Quoted in Mark Danner, "The Killing Fields of Bosnia", New York Review of Books, September 24 1998.)
A great many of the men who had sought to flee through the hills to Tuzla were doomed as well. The Bosnian Serb commander, Gen. Radivoj Krstic, in a radio transmission intercepted by western eavesdroppers, told his forces: "You must kill everyone. We don't need anyone alive." (Mark Danner, "Bosnia: The Great Betrayal", New York Review of Books, March 26 1998.) Serb forces took special pleasure in isolating trees where men had sought to hide, and riddling them with shrapnel from anti-aircraft guns.
Trapped in the hills under Serb bombardment, sleepless and thirst-maddened, men succumbed to hallucinations, paranoia, and despair. "The psyches of the men ruptured. Muslims mistook other Muslims for infiltrators. They threw hand grenades and fired their automatics at one another. ... Men shot themselves hoping the Serbs would show the wounded mercy" (Sudetic, Blood and Vengeance, p. 301). Many committed suicide. Thousands finally surrendered to Serb troops along the "Ring of Iron," who lured them with the sight of captured UN vehicles and promises of safe passage. All of those captured were taken to nearby fields and warehouses, executed, and buried in mass graves.
Summarizing the catastrophe in 1997, David Rohde -- who as a journalist with the Christian Science Monitor won a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the first mass graves around Srebrenica -- offered a blistering critique of the moral lapse on the part of the "safe area's" alleged guardians: "The international community partially disarmed thousands of men, promised them they would be safeguarded and then delivered them to their sworn enemies. Srebrenica was not simply a case of the international community standing by as a far-off atrocity was committed. The actions of the international community encouraged, aided, and emboldened the executioners. ... The fall of Srebrenica did not have to happen. There is no need for thousands of skeletons to be strewn across eastern Bosnia. There is no need for thousands of Muslim children to be raised on stories of their fathers, grandfathers, uncles and brothers slaughtered by Serbs." (Rohde, Endgame, pp. 351, 353.)
How many died?
The Red Cross lists 7,079 dead and missing at Srebrenica. Other estimates range as high as 8,000 or 10,000. David Rohde notes that the massacre "accounts for an astonishing percentage of the number of missing" from the brutal Balkans conflict as a whole. "Of the 18,406 Muslims, Serbs and Croats reported still missing ... as of January 1997, 7,079 are people [men] who disappeared after the fall of Srebrenica. In other words, approximately 38 percent of the war's missing are from Srebrenica." By any standard, it was one of the worst and most concentrated acts of gendercide in the post-World War II era -- and the worst massacre of any kind in Europe for fifty years.
Who is responsible?
Chuck Sudetic writes of the Srebrenica massacre that "the men who carried out the executions were reportedly under orders handed down by General [Ratko] Mladic and Radislav Krstic, a colonel in the Bosnian army who was promoted to general and named commander of the army's Drina corps by Mladic within a few days of the killings. Among the units that took part in the killings was the Tenth Commando squad, which answered directly to Mladic's headquarters ... Men from Srebrenica, Bratunac, Kravica, Milii, Visegrad, Bajina Basta, Loznica, Zvornik, and other towns also participated." (Sudetic, Blood and Vengeance, pp. 317-18.)
In 1996, the International Criminal Tribunal indicted Mladic and Krstic for crimes of humanity committed at Srebrenica. Joining them on the list of indicted war-criminals was Radovan Karadzic, leader of the self-styled "Republika Srpska" or Serb-controlled territories in Bosnia. Karadzic was intimately involved in planning the "endgame" in the Bosnian war, for which Srebrenica was to serve as a centerpiece. In July 1999, the Tribunal found that these mass murderers had been operating under "a direct chain of military command" from Belgrade and the Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic. For the first time, the Tribunal defined the Bosnian war as "an international conflict," recognizing both Bosnian independence and Serbian aggression . As yet, however, Milosevic remains unindicted for the atrocities he directed in Bosnia.
The United Nations must shoulder a large share of responsibility for allowing the massacre to take place under the noses of its troops. In November 1999, the UN released a highly self-critical report on its performance, stating that "Through error, misjudgment and the inability to recognize the scope of evil confronting us, we failed to do our part to save the people of Srebrenica from the Serb campaign of mass murder." (See Barbara Crossette, "U.N. Details Its Failure to Stop '95 Bosnian Massacre", The New York Times, November 16 1999.)
The blame surely extends to the member states of the United Nations -- perhaps especially to its most powerful member, the United States. As The Economist magazine has noted,
The received version [of events] ... is that Bill Clinton and Al Gore vowed to "bomb the Serbs" and end the war when they were shocked to learn that thousands of Muslims had been massacred at Srebrenica. But, the reader cannot help asking, was news of this impending massacre -- the worst in Europe since 1945 -- really not available to America's two most powerful figures beforehand?At earlier stages in Bosnia's war, when Muslim strongholds like Gorazde or Bihac had been on the verge of falling, America had worked (without the promise of ground troops) to galvanise its allies -- insisting that battle-plans be drawn up, and threats of bombing be issued, so as to warn off the Serbs. Yet in the final days and hours of the advance on Srebrenica, which American intelligence could monitor closely, Washington fell strangely silent. Srebrenica duly fell, with consequences which were unspeakable in human terms, but not inconvenient diplomatically.
Perhaps it is conspiratorial to assume that America's tardy reaction to Srebrenica reflected calculation rather than negligence. But the question needs asking ... ("Inside Out," The Economist, September 8, 2001).
The aftermath
Extensive forensic investigations of the Srebrenica massacre sites has so far turned up some 3,000 bodies. Only a few have been successfully identified. They are held at a combined memorial and mortuary in Tuzla (see photo at the top of this page). The forensics teams who worked on the Srebrenica and Vukovar sites gathered vital experience in their exhumation of the graves, and were able to employ their skills anew in the Kosovo gendercide four years later. (See Stover and Peress, The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar.)
The memory of Srebrenica's men was kept alive by their womenfolk. They stormed Red Cross offices in Tuzla in early 1996 to protest the stalled investigations into the fate of their missing men, and did so again on the fourth anniversary of the massacre in 1999. Organized as "The Women of Srebrenica," they have recently launched their own website (www.srebrenica.org). The group's list of primary demands reads as follows:
- The full facts of Srebrenica should be revealed and publicised.
- All graves should be exhumed and bodies identified without delay.
- Any survivors of Srebrenica held prisoner in Republika Srpska [Bosnian Serb territories] or the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should be released immediately.
- The people of Srebrenica should be enabled to return to their homes.
- There should be a full & open international investigation into the failure of the UN to protect the Safe Area of Srebrenica.
- All indicted and suspected war criminals, including Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Slobodan Milosevic, and all those complicit with genocide, should be arrested and brought to trial.
In Spring 2000, General Radislav Krstic, "the highest-ranking Bosnian Serb commander before the UN War Crimes tribunal in The Hague," stood trial for the genocidal atrocities at Srebrenica. (See "Peacekeeper Tells of Serb Massacre", The Sydney Morning Herald, April 8, 2000.) In August 2001, Krstic was convicted and sentenced to 46 years in prison.
In March 2003, the first 600 identified victims of the Srebrenica massacre were returned to the town and buried in a powerful ceremony (see "Srebrenica Finally Buries Its Dead", BBC Online, March 31, 2003.)
.......to be continued................
在維基百科和國際法庭上, 說是種族滅絕:
如果你看了之前我的POST(the screbrenica Massacare (http://meiwechner.blog.sohu.com/95770680.html) 再跟以下網圖來比較, 你便可知道事實就是宗教排除!
我不管你基督教殺得較多Muslims, 還是Muslims殺得較多基督教, 2000多年來你們互相殘殺, 只是為了誰是真主!
也真攪鬼了, In study of Bible history, Jews invented bible,in their bible, they said that son of the god will come soon and save the world! And then year and year later, Chistians belived that they found the son of the god, he is Jesus. Unfortunately Jewish did not belived it. Then they killed Juses. Then Juses was killed, Christian not happy about that, so they killed Jews!! They hated each other!
Then come another guy called Mohamed he invented another story, the Koran, his god is Allah, he is a lot better then the Christian Jesus. Hahhah!!! Sure, this is the main cause start, Muslime hate Christian and Christian hate Muslime and killed eacher other!
The most interesting is that all the three evil religions have the same ancestor, they are all the children of Abraham, they all agree on that in their books and still see the need to contiunue to kill each other 2000 years later on the basis of a trivial, fictitional difference.
Their God is same God ar!!!!!!!!
我記得小時候, 讀聖經, 它說主7天創造了宇宙, 有4000年歷史, 但科學家發現宇宙己 14 billion years!!!
就最反感來說, 主創造了人類, 攪咪鬼, 你比人類有性, 但你不計夏娃同阿當去做呀! 跟住就話有罪, 降罪給世人!!!
跟著, 你創造了同性戀, 總比AID 去攪到有同性戀的人和不是同性戀和不是同性戀的人和不是同性戀的人和小孩都要受罰, 你玩哂喇!!!
Photo Gallery II
7. The refugees are evacuated as a group from the Potocari base.
8. A Serb officer outside the gates (top left) gestures
for the men to be separated from the women.
9. Men of all ages are marched away to the trucks.
A voice commands, "Follow him! Behind him! ... No, no, you lot to the left ... One by one."
10. Men are loaded onto the trucks.
11. Dutch Officer at Srebrenica.
"When I was standing there, and the men and the women were separated, I felt like a combination of Schindler's List and Sophie's Choice was passing in front of me. It was terrible to be aware of this and not be able to do something ..."
12. The Warehouse.
Commentator: "Some of the men from the town were taken to a large agricultural warehouse.
A few of them survived."
13. A survivor of the massacre.
"The Serbs started shooting at us with everything they had, inside and outside the warehouse. People were dropping all over the place."
14. Aftermath of the warehouse massacre.
Photo Gallery I
1. Countryside around Srebrenica.
2. The outskirts burn.
3. Serb tanks fire on Srebrenica.
4. Ratko Mladic, indicted Serb war criminal, arrives to take charge of Srebrenica.
"On to Potocari!" Mladic is shouting - he wants to occupy the Dutch UN base immediately
5. Mladic and his troops stroll through downtown Srebrenica.
6. Potocari: the Dutch UN base.
The ribbon across the main entrance marks the point at which many of the men were separated from women and turned over to the Serbs for eventual execution.
Continue to Photo Gallery II
The Srebrenica
Massacre, July 1995
Who is responsible?
Chuck Sudetic writes of the Srebrenica massacre that "the men who carried out the executions were reportedly under orders handed down by General [Ratko] Mladic and Radislav Krstic, a colonel in the Bosnian army who was promoted to general and named commander of the army's Drina corps by Mladic within a few days of the killings. Among the units that took part in the killings was the Tenth Commando squad, which answered directly to Mladic's headquarters ... Men from Srebrenica, Bratunac, Kravica, Milii, Visegrad, Bajina Basta, Loznica, Zvornik, and other towns also participated." (Sudetic, Blood and Vengeance, pp. 317-18.)
In 1996, the International Criminal Tribunal indicted Mladic and Krstic for crimes of humanity committed at Srebrenica. Joining them on the list of indicted war-criminals was Radovan Karadzic, leader of the self-styled "Republika Srpska" or Serb-controlled territories in Bosnia. Karadzic was intimately involved in planning the "endgame" in the Bosnian war, for which Srebrenica was to serve as a centerpiece. In July 1999, the Tribunal found that these mass murderers had been operating under "a direct chain of military command" from Belgrade and the Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic. For the first time, the Tribunal defined the Bosnian war as "an international conflict," recognizing both Bosnian independence and Serbian aggression . As yet, however, Milosevic remains unindicted for the atrocities he directed in Bosnia.
The United Nations must shoulder a large share of responsibility for allowing the massacre to take place under the noses of its troops. In November 1999, the UN released a highly self-critical report on its performance, stating that "Through error, misjudgment and the inability to recognize the scope of evil confronting us, we failed to do our part to save the people of Srebrenica from the Serb campaign of mass murder." (See Barbara Crossette, "U.N. Details Its Failure to Stop '95 Bosnian Massacre", The New York Times, November 16 1999.)
The blame surely extends to the member states of the United Nations -- perhaps especially to its most powerful member, the United States. As The Economist magazine has noted,
The received version [of events] ... is that Bill Clinton and Al Gore vowed to "bomb the Serbs" and end the war when they were shocked to learn that thousands of Muslims had been massacred at Srebrenica. But, the reader cannot help asking, was news of this impending massacre -- the worst in Europe since 1945 -- really not available to America's two most powerful figures beforehand?At earlier stages in Bosnia's war, when Muslim strongholds like Gorazde or Bihac had been on the verge of falling, America had worked (without the promise of ground troops) to galvanise its allies -- insisting that battle-plans be drawn up, and threats of bombing be issued, so as to warn off the Serbs. Yet in the final days and hours of the advance on Srebrenica, which American intelligence could monitor closely, Washington fell strangely silent. Srebrenica duly fell, with consequences which were unspeakable in human terms, but not inconvenient diplomatically.
Perhaps it is conspiratorial to assume that America's tardy reaction to Srebrenica reflected calculation rather than negligence. But the question needs asking ... ("Inside Out," The Economist, September 8, 2001).
The aftermath
Extensive forensic investigations of the Srebrenica massacre sites has so far turned up some 3,000 bodies. Only a few have been successfully identified. They are held at a combined memorial and mortuary in Tuzla (see photo at the top of this page). The forensics teams who worked on the Srebrenica and Vukovar sites gathered vital experience in their exhumation of the graves, and were able to employ their skills anew in the Kosovo gendercide four years later. (See Stover and Peress, The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar.)
The memory of Srebrenica's men was kept alive by their womenfolk. They stormed Red Cross offices in Tuzla in early 1996 to protest the stalled investigations into the fate of their missing men, and did so again on the fourth anniversary of the massacre in 1999. Organized as "The Women of Srebrenica," they have recently launched their own website (www.srebrenica.org). The group's list of primary demands reads as follows:
- The full facts of Srebrenica should be revealed and publicised.
- All graves should be exhumed and bodies identified without delay.
- Any survivors of Srebrenica held prisoner in Republika Srpska [Bosnian Serb territories] or the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should be released immediately.
- The people of Srebrenica should be enabled to return to their homes.
- There should be a full & open international investigation into the failure of the UN to protect the Safe Area of Srebrenica.
- All indicted and suspected war criminals, including Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Slobodan Milosevic, and all those complicit with genocide, should be arrested and brought to trial.
In Spring 2000, General Radislav Krstic, "the highest-ranking Bosnian Serb commander before the UN War Crimes tribunal in The Hague," stood trial for the genocidal atrocities at Srebrenica. (See "Peacekeeper Tells of Serb Massacre", The Sydney Morning Herald, April 8, 2000.) In August 2001, Krstic was convicted and sentenced to 46 years in prison.
In March 2003, the first 600 identified victims of the Srebrenica massacre were returned to the town and buried in a powerful ceremony (see "Srebrenica Finally Buries Its Dead", BBC Online, March 31, 2003.)
............to be continued........
美國基督教科威爾牧師是開創電台, 電視台傳導的風氣的人, 他更加成功利用這些節目和自己巨大的影響力, 動員美國保守派基督徒參與政治. 列根總統和小布殊總統的兩次當選, 這些保守派基督徒團體實功不可沒!
西方國家的主流意見向來主張宗教政治不應混為一談, 但在美國, 科威爾牧師成功打破這個規則, 他公開呼譽基督徒選民不應投票給非基督徒, 他跟追隨者亦在反對墮胎, 幹細胞研究(stem cell), 同性戀和同性婚姻, 以及女權解放等方面, 形成一股巨大的勢力.
科威爾最主名的言論包括愛茲病是神施予同性戀者的懲罰, 因為美國充滿支持墮胎和同性戀的人, 所以上帝不再保護美國, 因而產生了9.11事件.
他更加在電視直播上宣稱回教先知穆罕默德是恐怖份子, 他後來要為部份過激言論道歉! 即使如此, 科威爾牧師政教合一的做法嚴重分化了美國人.
以上一段, 是我聽香港電台的藍地球( 04 / 06 / 2007)節目聽到的. 我一字不漏的記錄下來了!
節目主持人說科威爾牧師已在2007年5月下旬去世, 相信會改變了國內的政治和宗教之間的微妙關係, 從而影響了美國今年的總統大選大選. 但我不太認同, 因為今次兩大黨派候選人(民主黨的奧巴馬Barack Obama 和共和黨的麥凱恩John Mc Cain)都是信奉基督教的!
p.s. :
我對天主教和基督教會反對幹細胞研究, 實屬反感之極! 幹細胞研究是絕對幫助科學家認識了人類腦部的疾病, 進而可以得到醫治. 我看了一個醫學的電視節目, 講述未來醫學可以用幹細胞來復製人類內臟(如心臟, 腎臟等), 人類的未來可以因而治療更多的疾病.
我反對同性戀歧視, 我尊重他們選擇自己的生活方式!
我支持保護女性, 如果一些不幸發生而必須墮胎, 我們必須不要讓這不幸持續下去!!
愛茲病是神施予同性戀者的懲罰, 如依據聖經來說, 那是一句不合邏輯的講話. 因為上帝是愛人類的!! 當然, 這些矛盾也剛好証明了相信宗教的人不合邏輯, 沒有科學頭腦! 更甚的是, 連新聞都不看, 可知道非洲, 印度, 中國等, 那麼多人受了愛茲病的感染, 很多小孩都是無辜受染, 難道他們也應受罪嗎, 他們可不是同性戀啊! 再者, 難道上帝不知道這樣會延害無辜嗎? 如他是一切造物主的話, 那麼如此推論, 他不是好神, 是魔鬼才對!!!!! 不是嗎???
今天統計了悉尼有200百萬青年露宿, 只為了做教宗的最後一天world youth day 的彌撒! 那些青年來自世界各地! 這是我感害怕的! 如果我們的下一代不去思考, 跟隨了以上教會的言論, 試問我們人類還有未來嗎??
my views on a recent discussion panel at the ABC QANDA (questions and answers)
the first question raised referred to Kevin Rudd’s statement at the catholic churches youth day in Sydney, in which he said:
“Religion and Logic are not incompatible”
I was delighted by the response from David Marr, he said:
“ Religion and Logic are completely in-compatible; Religion is filled with logicalities that are impossible to square with any natural belief; I mean the catholic church has imported a dead body to be venerated in churches in Sydney ? ---- what could be logical about that????”
furthermore I liked his response to a statement made by a religious member of the discussion panel Angela Shanahan about sexuality and the church;
David Marr :
“ the churches refusal to understand the scientific basis of human sexuality causes immense distress and harm all around the world;-------- what would you say to a woman struggling to bring up her nine children in abject poverty, just because your god did not allow her to use a condom while she was repeatedly raped over the years?----- you people have no idea how unspeakably nasty and cruel you are towards your god’s creatures----- your lot tells people to be celibate and that they go to hell if they have sex, this is nothing but pure bigotry, cruelty and hatred ”
on the subject of **********ity and the suggestion by Angelica Shanahan that god loves all the people in the same way; David Marr replied that if that would be the case, he would let them also go into the church and take clergy positions; but such is your bigotry, you claim to love them and at the same time throw them out of the church;
further David Marr added: “the struggle between the church and science has always been won by science and will always be won by science, only logic will take us forward”
I agree with him entirely it took the church 300 years to accept that Galileo was right; whom they nearly burnt at the stake for his scientific work because it clashed with the totally illogical and stupid teaching of their perverse religion;
it seems inconceivable that even now, in the twenty-first century these criminals prevent some of our children to learn all about Darwin’s theory of evolution, in a vain attempt to prevent them to develop a logical mind; ---- there should be a law against such criminal stupidity
當有人反駁我這幾篇反宗教的文章的時候! 我倒很高興, 我希望他們能提出証據指出人類是上帝所製造的, 又或有上帝的存在, 又或聖經不是人寫的......等等!
在17/7/2008 晚上, 我看了ABC 的 A&Q 電視節目討論了, 因為最近的在悉尼的大型"World Youth Day", 教宗來到出巡, 神父孌童/強姦案的事件等等, 在城中熱爆了的話題!
最吸引我的是 Mr. David Marr (An author, journalist and broadcaster) 和 Angela Shanahan (speciality is social and family affairs & She is a Catholic) 的言論了. 這些, 我要有時間才能節錄了, 但大家有興趣, 可以去以下看看:
With the pope in town and a record-breaking number of people attending masses around Sydney, punters will not be surprised that religion took centre stage in last night’s debate. The panellists (討論小組人員) faced a number of tricky questions about the role of faith in our society. Issues raised included the relationship between religion and science, paedophilia(孌童) and the church, the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity (同性戀)and the place of religion in politics (if there is one). Punters had a range of views on the discussion. Some believed that certain panellists had conflated religion with compassion. Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy. Many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics, and wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer. With ex-Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, on the panel there was also some discussion of foreign policy decisions made during the Howard era and much interest in Downer’s plans post-politics.
Q. the relationship between religion and science. 宗教與科學的關係.
A. 宗教是一些神話, 一些由人創作出來的人物小說. 以宣傳信念來規限人類道德行為思想.
科學是要有事實証據, 是要有跡可尋, 是要實驗辨証, 是要講求邏輯推論, 不可天馬行空.
Q. the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity & many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics 為何同性戀者不可參加彌撒不可為教徒, 被教會拒諸門外呢?
A. 如果是由上帝創造了人類, 即同性戀者都是他的傑作吧???? 為什麼會被教會拒諸門外?
難道你可以說同性戀者是上帝製造出來懲罰現世紀人類的性愛氾濫嗎(我真聽過有人這樣說的!)? 如果真如此, 那豈不更攪笑??? 這樣的上帝恐怕是魔吧!!!!
(這點討論, 在討論會上更是精.....)
Q. the place of religion in politics (if there is one) & wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer 澳洲聲稱自己是,非宗教政府, 為何在議會前必須祈禱?
A. 宗教入侵政治, 那不單只是澳洲, 在美國是最鮮明不過了. 我亦不久前聽了電台廣播, 講及了這在美的事實.
Q. paedophilia and the church & Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy. 對於教會內部調查, 發生在神職人員上的孌童 / 強姦 案, 要求透明度!
A. 在這些神職人員標榜著他們的聖潔操守時, 我們將深愛的孩童交付到他們身上! 那些受害人, 被教會隱瞞事情的真相而做成的長期折磨!!!
在我另一blog, 有網友質疑我對香港教會刪除錄音帶証據一事, 大家看一下星島日報報導吧:
如果沒有這鐵証, 我不相信教會會無情情給你庭外賠款!!!!
劉 嘉 兒 案 受 害 人 索 償 千 萬 元
( 星 島 日 報 報 道 ) 引 起 社 會 廣 泛 關 注 的 本 港 首 宗 天 主 教 神 父 狎 童 案 , 並 未 因 犯 案 前 神 父 劉 嘉 兒 判 監 四 年 半 而 告 一 段 落 。 據 本 報 得 悉 , 劉 嘉 兒 及 案 發 時 所 屬 天 主 教 香 港 教 區 , 將 要 面 對 受 害 人 的 巨 額 民 事 索 償 , 成 為 亞 洲 首 例 同 類 個 案 。 消 息 透 露 , 受 害 人 聲 稱 因 遭 性 侵 犯 患 上 精 神 分 裂 症 , 要 求 劉 嘉 兒 及 教 區 賠 償 他 十 一 年 來 的 醫 藥 費 、 精 神 創 傷 及 性 生 活 受 影 響 等 多 項 損 失 , 合 共 一 千 零 九 十 九 萬 多 元 。
天 主 教 神 父 狎 童 案 餘 波 擴 大 , 在 劉 嘉 兒 案 中 現 年 廿 八 歲 的 受 害 人 準 備 提 出 民 事 索 償 , 而 且 態 度 頗 為 強 硬 , 限 令 劉 嘉 兒 及 教 區 須 於 四 月 廿 一 日 , 即 後 日 下 午 五 時 半 前 作 出 合 理 賠 償 , 否 則 會 正 式 入 稟 高 等 法 院 , 訴 諸 法 律 為 自 己 討 回 公 道 。
據 悉 , 教 區 及 正 在 赤 柱 監 獄 服 刑 的 劉 嘉 兒 , 於 上 周 三 接 獲 由 法 援 處 委 派 律 師 行 代 受 害 人 發 出 的 索 償 通 知 信 及 入 稟 狀 草 擬 書 , 限 期 一 周 內 答 覆 。 消 息 指 教 區 今 次 被 列 入 索 償 對 象 ,是 由 於 受 害 人 認 為 教 區 是 劉 嘉 兒 的 僱 主 或 主 事 人 , 對 劉 嘉 兒 有 監 管 責 任 , 故 須 一 併 為 性 侵 犯 事 件 作 出 賠 償 。 受 害 人 自 八 七 年 開 始 便 是 牛 頭 角 聖 若 瑟 天 主 教 堂 的 輔 祭 , 劉 嘉 兒 則 帶 領 該 輔 祭 會 。
消 息 又 稱 , 受 害 人 指 控 教 區 對 他 受 性 侵 犯 一 事 上 有 疏 忽 , 九 五 年 教 區 曾 透 過 一 名 姓 趙 的 神 父 , 安 排 受 害 人 與 劉 嘉 兒 在 一 教 堂 會 面 , 當 時 姓 趙 神 父 以 錄 音 機 收 錄 二 人 的 對 話 內 容 。 席 間 , 劉 嘉 兒 向 受 害 人 承 認 侵 犯 及 道 歉 。 後 來 , 趙 神 父 將 會 面 紀 錄 向 已 故 胡 振 中 樞 機 報 告 , 劉 嘉 兒 終 在 同 年 六 月 廿 九 日 被 胡 振 中 下 令 暫 停 神 父 職 務 , 三 個 月 後 再 自 行 離 職 。
受 害 人 歸 咎 教 區 清 楚 知 悉 他 被 性 侵 犯 , 卻 未 有 報 警 , 再 加 上 那 次 會 面 對 話 的 錄 音 帶 事 後 被 刪 除 , 令 警 方 調 查 困 難 , 因 而 延 長 受 害 人 的 精 神 創 傷 , 所 以 教 區 亦 須 負 上 責 任 。
消 息 又 透 露 , 受 害 人 指 劉 嘉 兒 於 九 一 年 一 月 四 日 在 教 堂 宿 舍 , 藉 詞 「 性 愛 治 療 」 , 把 受 害 人 帶 進 廁 所 , 多 次 撫 弄 受 害 人 陽 具 , 後 來 受 害 人 臥 在 脇 上 再 度 遭 劉 嘉 兒 狎 弄 陽 具 , 其 間 劉 指 示 受 害 人 睡 在 他 身 上 , 要 受 害 人 模 仿 女 性 , 撫 吻 劉 的 乳 頭 , 劉 更 一 度 企 圖 雞 姦 受 害 人 。
受 害 人 認 為 劉 嘉 兒 身 為 修 士 , 有 責 任 照 顧 及 保 護 教 會 輔 祭 , 及 應 做 出 良 好 榜 樣 , 而 受 害 人 亦 對 劉 非 常 信 賴 , 但 劉 竟 破 壞 誠 信 , 最 終 令 受 害 人 患 上 精 神 分 裂 症 。
據 悉 受 害 人 對 劉 嘉 兒 所 作 出 的 性 侵 犯 行 為 , 不 但 感 到 被 羞 辱 , 更 認 為 劉 嘉 兒 的 所 作 所 為 , 絕 非 一 名 天 主 教 神 父 應 有 的 行 為 。
劉 經 審 訊 後 , 被 裁 定 於 九 一 年 一 月 四 日 及 五 日 和 九 二 年 暑 假 非 禮 及 企 圖 雞 姦 罪 成 , 判 監 四 年 半 , 上 月 上 訴 庭 又 駁 回 劉 嘉 兒 的 上 訴 , 受 害 人 認 為 這 正 好 支 持 他 所 提 出 的 索 償 。
面 對 首 次 性 醜 聞 索 償 的 天 主 教 香 港 教 區 , 主 教 陳 日 君 極 度 關 注 , 連 日 來 召 開 多 次 會 議 , 商 討 對 策 , 並 商 討 各 種 可 能 性 。 而 至 截 稿 為 止 , 教 區 暫 未 公 布 事 件 或 對 事 件 作 出 回 應 。
前天, 我看了一個ABC Q and A 節目, 我想很人一真的要再寫一下宗教的問題!!!!!
去年我在澳洲電視節目報導美國教會的事件, 我那時很反感, 立即在網上反宗教的論壇去發表如下:
近日看到電視報導美國教會如何龐大, 美國人對教會如何痴迷! 甚至教會教育小朋友不要相信進化論, 在一個宣導會中, 貼出猿猴的照片, 問在座的小朋友, 甚至家長是否相信自己的祖先是長這樣子的, 大家都哈哈大笑, 訪問小朋友, 小朋友都說不相信! 相信是主創造了人類! 這樣的下一代不相信了科學証據!人類還有什麼希望!
於是, 我叫老公回答他:
How can U say that??? " Darwin’s "Theory of Evolution" is a well established, and proven science, there are thousands of examples that confirm the validity of this theory. Please read "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin and you will be convinced (that is if your brain has kept up with the pace of evolution).
為什麼要信有上帝, 有神呢??? 問一下自己吧??
將時間花在看歷史書, 自然科學書..... 都好過看那本由人寫的聖經!!! 原本聖經就是應用神話的娛樂書看看便好了! 話知你出幾多個版本! 又或你認為那一個版本才是真實才是你認為的真主! 那都是大家娛樂一下好了, 就像大家看了場電影! 如果原先就是如此! 戰火就不會繼續到現在了!!!
這幾天澳洲熱聞就是天主教會在悉尼攪的這個叫" World Youth Day"!
教宗肯定很怕被人射殺喇!! 我都沒有看過那一個國家元首要坐這種防彈車的!
昨晚ABC Lateline 就報導了一對姊妹花, 在墨爾本讀小學時被神父強姦了. 最後姊姊因父母8年來用盡金錢與教會打官司而自殺, 妹妹淆酒至被車撞倒,變成了殘廢!!! 澳洲主教原本說要道歉, 最終反口,並要求教會律師盡量減少賠款!! 這個家庭完全破碎!!
澳洲主教 George Pell:
Shortly after the abuse was reported, Cardinal George Pell apologised unreservedly. However in later letters church lawyers refused to accept liability and fought ferociously to limit a payout.
BISHOP ANTHONY FISHER, WORLD YOUTH DAY: Happily, I think most of Australia was enjoying, delighting in the beauty and goodness of these young people and the hope for us doing these sorts of things better in the future, as we saw last night. Rather than dwelling crankily, as a few people are doing, on old wounds.
這位主教ANTHONY FISHER 竟可說出這樣無人性的說話, 說受害人父母不應在年青人如此高興在一起慶祝做好美好未來的時候, 有些人(指受害人)仍然坐在原處狂妄地想著自己舊傷口.
看到了那些瘋狂慶祝和期盼教宗的青少年, 他們人數之多,實在使我痛心!
我自小學到大學都是讀天主教會辦的學校! 我自小被迫讀聖經, 聖經說我是帶著原罪來此世界!! 我那時很害怕! 星期日去教堂, 彌撤做完便很想去吃那塊小圓餅, 又或去向神父告解, 又或去洗聖水, 以為這樣可能可以減輕原罪!
到14歲, 有男仔追, 被男仔掂了一下手, 我立刻想到要去教堂跪拜在天父前認錯去!
為什麼要強迫我們讀聖經, 簡直是殘害我們弱小心靈呀! 如果我長大了仍笨拙的相信聖經, 那我豈不是到死都覺得自己是醜陋和有罪的 my whole life is full of shame and guilty???
大家可能說這是樹大有枯枝! 錯不在教會.....
這兩件孌童案, 澳洲和香港的教會的做法實屬可恥的!
香港天主教會將証據的錄音帶消滅, 加強警察查案難度, 使受害人要經歷更長時間的精神煎熬! 雖然案件在四年前判案! 受害人是拿著要教會精神賠償再向法庭伸訴的!
收藏或消滅証據, 這豈不是共犯!!!!
而澳洲這單也是一樣! ABC訪問澳洲主教, 他回答中也明顯他早知內情而有意隱瞞事件!!
Q: 上帝创造了邪恶吗?
A: 上帝是由人創造出來的, 依此推論, 明顯邪惡亦是一樣!
Q: 旧约:是上帝用异象与他所选定的人,在地上为他传送实施旨意.新约:是上帝差遣他的独生子,与世人直接对话.现在:是圣灵在他所选定的人面前,用异象来传达实施上帝的旨意.圣灵是否象上帝,耶稣.离开世人.我无所知晓.但是有一样我可以告诉你:我除了到教堂以外.我就回到秭妹为我的提供的小屋里画画.不跟任何人讲话.我不看他们的行为.更不听他们讲话.连上帝都救不了的世人,有谁还会与其相处呢?我是连环画专业创作.现在广州东山堂朝曦杂志义务画插图.编剧.作曲.现有圣曲八部.虽我独身一人.但我心以上帝为大.我不需要任何属世的东西.如果你需要图画.请与:13178873474或QQ:704750652联系.我只为上帝而做
A: HoohOOO
god doesn't have a willie, U better stay alone and pray for your god!!!!!!
1.神憎鬼厭的神父Dennis Ferguson
2. 教宗將訪澳洲
那麼巧,香港又一單新聞關於教會的. 三件事一起發功!
首先講那位神父Dennis Ferguson:
Ferguson's accommodation the best option for now: Bligh
他是剛監獄釋放出來的,天主教神父曾經sexual abused 性侵犯很多小童而被判入獄.
因為澳洲出獄後,不可改名換姓的(前兩天才知道紐西蘭是可以的! 當地才發生一年青女生被出獄者殺害,正是一名改了名姓的剛出來的監犯!) 於是這位神父便被傳媒追蹤到他出獄後住在那裡了!
當然了那裡的居民便群起反對了! 於是所有傳媒的討論節目都在討論,究竟應什麼做! 政府的人當然說他是服法, 大家應接受他! 居民當然大吵,最好送他到你(官員)的後園住.
我就寫了以下去ABC 的 "have your say"
send him to the pope! 送他給教宗!
God will love him! 主會愛他的.
事實,他由來裹教出來的, 也應物歸原主吧!
2. 教宗訪澳, 澳洲教會為了迎接他, 也真攪好多慶祝,好大場面!
但是有一幫反對人事已準備抗議了! 他們主要是對教宗不贊同男人用避孕套和不准科學家用stem cell 作研究而群起, 一於在教宗來臨之日示威!
他們穿起"This is no God" T- 恤 和手舉教宗頭載避孕套皇冠的海報 在傳媒前預演.
3.神父孌童案 召陳日君作供
教區臨時變陣 決讓主教出庭 另要求受害人露臉則遭法官拒絕
雖然案件是受害人和教會於庭外和解, 但是香港人都相信教會可能不用付出1000萬元, 但是數目也不會低過於900萬!
哎! 香港的教友會否想想, 自己辛苦來的錢於星期日去教堂作奉獻的! 是一個什麼樣的用法呢???